Search Results for : Big Data for Education

Spoke: Big Data for Education

The Northeast is a center of gravity for innovations in education, both at universities and at the large and small publishers who drive K-12 education in America. The Big Data in Education Spoke focuses on gathering, storing, and analyzing data from schools, students and administrators, towards discovery of factors impacting […]

Students throwing graduation caps into air

NEBD Hub Logo

Northeast Big Data for Education Conference

The Northeast Big Data for Education Spoke is pleased to announce we will be holding our next community meeting on October 18, 2018, at Carnegie Mellon University. This meeting will bring together leaders in the field while making space for more junior scholars to join the conversation. The event will include […]

Northeast Big Data for Education Spoke Meeting

You are invited to the next community meeting of the Northeast Big Data for Education Spoke. The meeting will be held on February 16, 2018, from 9 am – 4:30 pm at the MIT Office of Open Learning, 2nd floor, 600 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA. The meeting will begin with a talk by Dr. Justin Reich and a discussion of the various […]

Meeting of Big Data for Education Spoke

The next meeting of the Big Data for Education Spoke will be held on 8/28, 9 am – 4:30pm, at Teachers College Columbia University, in New York, NY. From 9 am – 12 pm noon, we will hold a general meeting for the spoke. Lunch will be provided noon-1pm. From […]

Meeting of the Big Data in Education Spoke

Our Big Data in Education Spoke harnesses data-driven approaches to improve student outcomes and transform existing educational practices. Activities have recently kicked off with the first of three educational data competitions now open to worldwide participation. You can learn more and get involved at our upcoming Spoke meeting this summer! […]

Image of postits on a desk

NEBD Hub Logo

Big Data in Education: News and Competition

How can big data help predict student outcomes? Ryan Baker (U Penn) and Neil Heffernan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) of our Big Data for Education Spoke hope to do just that via the Longitudinal Educational Big Data Competition (external link no longer available). Using carefully de-identified, real-world educational data, participants will predict whether […]

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Awarded $3.3 million to Create Solutions to Pressing Challenges in Health, Education and Data Sharing

Click here for a PDF version of this release. Click here for the press release from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced $3.3 million in grants to researchers affiliated with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub. A common theme underlying the projects below is […]

NEBD Hub logo

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Community Engagement

Our Community Commitment Here at the Hub, we believe in strengthening our impact by building and expanding partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government. Through our efforts in collaboration with the community, we address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate innovation in the national big data ecosystem. The Northeast […]

Diagram depicting NEDBHub Leadership Teams

NEBDHub & NSDC Transportation Data Science Project (TDSP)

Welcome to the Transportation Data Science Project (TDSP)! The TDSP provides an opportunity to gain practical experience with data science by creating data-driven recommendations to make roads safer for all. Network with TDSP Mentors, receive a virtual certificate of completion, and expand your skillset in the field of data science. […]

students looking at a computer

NEBD Hub Logo

Using a data-driven approach to study health disparities and secular trends in the chemical and individual exposome in the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys)

Guest post by Chirag Patel, Harvard Medical School This Success Story is a report on the results of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub’s 2021 Seed Fund program. This research project considered the health challenges posed by environmental hazards across the U.S., with a particular focus on the health disparities […]

NSDC Data Science Projects

Data Science Projects If you are looking for real-world data science project experience, the National Student Data Corps (NSDC) welcomes you to the Data Science Projects (DSPs)! The NSDC DSPs provide virtual collaboration and networking opportunities for data science learners of all ages, skill-levels, and education-levels. You may choose to participate in […]

students looking at a computer

students looking at a computer

NSDC 2024 Data Science Symposium

Read more about the 2024 NSDC Data Science Symposium Below! The NSDC DSS will provide a virtual forum for undergraduate, graduate, and recently-graduated students (within the past 12 months) at higher education institutions around the world who are interested in data science to create and present their data science research […]

Sanket Bhandari & Varalika Mahajan: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Image of a line graph

Distribution graph

Christopher Sanchez: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Sahand Ahmadi: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Image of a bar chart

Image of a line graph

Jared De La Serna: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Hangqi Wu: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Image of a heat map graph

Set of four line graphs

Li-Yung Wang: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Sisan Tuedor: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

A population distribution graph showing continent-wide population distribution

Image of a line graph

Scott Ren: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Minh Le, Diep Le, Huy Nguyen: Fall 2023 COVID Information Commons Student Working Group Data Visualization Project

In October 2023, the CIC Student Working group launched our first semester-long data science education project on COVID-19 Visualization. The 300+ members of the Working Group developed independent data visualizations using tools and skills learned as a community. We learned to develop a COVID-19 research question and explored time series analysis […]

Image of a line graph

Get REAL with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub

Do you want to get involved with the NEBDHub or National Student Data Corps (NSDC) but aren’t sure how to get started? Browse our Research Experience and Leadership (REAL) directory for opportunities, programs, and resource offerings for individuals of all professional and educational backgrounds to find the perfect opportunity for […]

NEBD Hub Logo

students looking at a computer

NSDC 2023 Data Science Symposium

2024 NSDC Data Science Symposium Coming Soon! Read about the 2023 NSDC Data Science Symposium below. The 2023 Data Science Symposium (DSS) is brought to you by the National Student Data Corps (NSDC), hosted by the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub (NEBDHub). The DSS will provide a virtual forum for […]

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Community Engagement

Our Community Commitment Here at the Hub, we believe in strengthening our impact by building and expanding partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government. Through our efforts in collaboration with the community, we address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate innovation in the national big data ecosystem. The Northeast […]

A grey map of the world, with the countries the NEBDHub reaches highlighted in blue. These include China, India, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Nigeria, Kenya, the Philippines, and more

Poster for the October 2022 Data Science Career Panel

October 2022 National Student Data Corps Data Science Career Panel

On October 19th, 2022, the National Student Data Corps (NSDC) hosted the first National Hispanic Heritage Month Data Science Panel. Florence Hudson, the Executive Director of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub (NEBDHub), began the event by welcoming the co-moderators, the panelists, and the attendees. The event was co-moderated by Raul Cosio and Isabella Graham Martinez. Raul is a retired IBM Vice President and has received awards from the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corporation (HENAAC) and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Isabella is a full-time student at Columbia University, works part-time at the NEBDHub as a Project Coordinator, and is a National Hispanic Scholar Awardee.

October 2022 National Hispanic Heritage Month Data Science Career Panel

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the NEBD Hub and the National Student Data Corps (NSDC) launched a career panel in October 2022. This panel highlighted the wide range of educational opportunities and career paths available in data science and data analytics for all learners, with a special focus […]

NEBD Hub Logo

Student looking down at his computer in the back row

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub – Learn & Teach

The mission of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub (NEBDHub) is to build and strengthen partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate innovation in the national big data ecosystem. The NEBDHub supports several platforms and spaces dedicated to data […]

advert for the DSRR's new set of 200+ Spanish language resources

Data Science Resource Repository (DSRR)

About The Data Science Resource Repository (DSRR) is a curated set of 1,300+ resources for learners, educators, researchers, career explorers, and professionals that promotes data science literacy. Data science literacy skills are crucial to the successful development of our economy and provide a strong knowledge base for the future of […]

A graphic advertising the September 29th, 2023 NSDC Data Science & Health Career Panel

NSDC Data Science Panel Series

Do you like to solve problems, but wish you knew how data could help you? Are you thinking about pursuing data science but don’t know where to start? The NSDC Data Science Panels can help you learn more about how to leverage data science for good.  The National Student Data […]

Germinating plants in small soil containers

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Seed Fund – Awards and Success Stories

The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Seed Fund program is designed to promote collaboration and support the development and cross-pollination of tools, data, and ideas, leveraging data science innovations, across disciplines and sectors including academia, nonprofits, industry, government, and communities.   In 2020 and 2021, the NEBDHub awarded 25 Seed Fund grants from […]


National Student Data Corps

The National Student Data Corps (NSDC) is a community-developed initiative that provides resources and opportunities for students to learn data science, in a community of support, including underserved institutions, students, and communities. We are grateful to the NSDC Founding Committee, which includes 24 members from academia, industry and nonprofits, who […]

National Student Data Corps – Leadership

Meet the National Student Data Corps (NSDC) leadership team! NSDC HQ Team The NSDC HQ Team spearheads the program’s events, opportunities, and initiatives. Founding Committee The NSDC Founding Committee has been instrumental in building this program. Learn more about the Founding Committee’s Teams, including the Content & Pedagogy, Peer Instructors, […]

Paper Airplanes

NSDC 2022 Data Science Symposium

The Data Science Symposium (DSS) is brought to you by the National Student Data Corps (NSDC), hosted by the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub.  The DSS will provide a virtual forum for undergraduate and graduate students at public and private universities, colleges and community colleges who are interested in data […]

students looking at a computer


DEFLAB: Data Education and Feminism at Lafayette and Beyond

Guest post by Dr. Trent Gaugler, Lafayette College This Success Story is a report on the results of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub’s 2020 Seed Fund program. The goals of this Seed Fund project were to introduce students to the fundamentals of data science through socially relevant projects, to […]

Image of computer screen with code as seen through glasses lying on a table

Data Science in General Education

Guest post by Dr. Cathie LeBlanc, Plymouth State University This Success Story is a report on the results of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub’s 2020 Seed Fund program. Plymouth State University has a history of active faculty learning communities focused on various aspects of teaching. Our latest learning community, funded […]

Seated speaker talking to a crowd in an art gallery

National Student Data Corps – Volunteer Central

The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub is a collaboration hub for data science innovation in the Northeast United States. Our mission is to build and strengthen partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate innovation in the national big data […]

coronavirus artist rendering

Data Science Resource Repository

About The Data Science Resource Repository (DSRR) is a curated set of resources for learners and educators that promotes data science literacy. Data science literacy skills are crucial to the successful development of our economy and provide a strong knowledge base for the future of our workforce. The DSRR is […]