Focus on Education + Data Literacy

Home » Focus on Education + Data Literacy

The objective of this focus area is to work with the community to guide the development and dissemination of data science approaches and resources for education across the community, from PreK-12 to higher education and industry, with the goal to improve data literacy and educational outcomes. This includes:

1. Amplifying the success and reach of data science education and data literacy activities, from virtual and in-person workshops to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), to empower educators and researchers to improve data science practices and reach a broad community

2. Enabling community and educational institutions across the region to deliver data science education to underserved constituencies, extending the success of the Data Science for All workshops, and perhaps adding domain-specific data science and data carpentry workshops

3. Increasing community collaboration to leverage the Big Data for Education spoke best practices, including innovations in intelligent tutor pedagogy, and collaborative analyses of Big Data for Education MOOC data

Current and Legacy Projects on Education + Data Literacy

National Student Data Corps

Data Science Resource Repository

Data Science For All

Spoke: Big Data for Education NSF

Building Capacity with the Carpentries – coming soon!

Data Science Education & Workforce Working Group – South Big Data Innovation Hub

Submit your project here

Upcoming Education + Data Literacy Events

Education + Data Literacy Funding & Presentation Opportunities

Education + Data Literacy Career Opportunities

Education + Data Literacy Resources

Big Data and Education, University of Pennsylvania, Teachers College, Columbia University, and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning

Education Across America: Cities, Suburbs, Towns, and Rural Areas, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

Equity-Centered Leadership and Communication Brief, National Science Foundation (NSF)

Investing in America’s Data Science and Analytics Talent, PWC

NSF Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4), Colorado School of Mines

Zuckerman Institute Saturday Science Series, Columbia University

Education + Data Literacy Success Stories

Teaching Responsible Data Science through Cybersecurity Analytics

Guest post by Dr. S. Jay Yang, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) This Success Story is a report on the results of one of the awards in the Northeast Big […]

Improving Data Integrity Awareness in HPC Datasets using Sparsity Profiles

Guest post by Dr. Seung Woo Son, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell This Success Story is a report on the results of one of the awards in the Northeast […]

All Aboard!: Making AI Education Accessible

Guest post by Dr. Julia Stoyanovich, New York University This Success Story is a report on the results of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub’s 2021 Seed Fund program. As […]