Northeast Big Data for Education Spoke Meeting

You are invited to the next community meeting of the Northeast Big Data for Education Spoke. The meeting will be held on February 16, 2018, from 9 am – 4:30 pm at the MIT Office of Open Learning, 2nd floor, 600 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA.
The meeting will begin with a talk by Dr. Justin Reich and a discussion of the various community activities to be followed by a rapid collaboration brainstorming session to providing you with an opportunity to meet others and learn.
Breakfast and lunch will be served and the afternoon activities present you with the option of attending a workshop on the Co-Design Lab: the Learning Analytics Challenge led by George Mu or a tutorial on Educational Data Mining taught by Ryan Baker and Amy Nurnberger.
Details about the workshop and tutorial are below.
Co-Design Lab: the Learning Analytics Challenge
In 2017, Boston Public Schools awarded a prize to a team from MIT for developing an optimized bus network that would save the district $3-5M a year in transportation costs. This open challenge demonstrated the power of analytics in solving pressing, immediate, and complex challenges facing our education system.
Join us for a design thinking lab, where we will convene a group of leading analytics academics and professionals with school and system leaders to identify the next problem space for the Learning Analytics Challenge. Participants will collectively identify and select the most promising areas of opportunity for analytics to drive real-world impact in our PK-12 systems.
Educational Data Mining
In this session, Amy Nurnberger, Program Head, Data Management Services at MIT, will discuss modern tools and practices for managing and working with large-scale educational data, and Ryan Baker of the University of Pennsylvania will lead a discussion on current core methods and applications for educational data mining methods.
If you are interested in attending and have not already RSVP’d, please fill out this short survey to RSVP.


Feb 16 2018


9:00 am - 4:30 pm
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