Spoke: Big Data for Education


The Northeast is a center of gravity for innovations in education, both at universities and at the large and small publishers who drive K-12 education in America. The Big Data in Education Spoke focuses on gathering, storing, and analyzing data from schools, students and administrators, towards discovery of factors impacting children’s educational success.  These data-driven approaches to education pair deep knowledge of human learning and cognition with adaptive curricula and responses, enabling instructional resources that extend far beyond the traditional, “one-size-fits-all” method of teaching. Mastering tools for educational data science will help increase productivity, develop new insights into human behavioral patterns, transform existing educational practices, and spawn new industries.

Click here for more information on the Big Data in Education Spoke.


Ryan Baker
University of Pennsylvania
Beverly Woolf
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ivon Arroyo
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Neil Heffernan
Worcester Polytechnic Institute