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NSDC Office Hours – November 2021

Every month, the National Student Data Corps answers a question from our community with the help of a data scientist. To submit your data science question to the NSDC, ask our team via this Form or post it in the NSDC Slack‘s #Office-Hours channel. We may feature your query in […]

Data Science in General Education

Guest post by Dr. Cathie LeBlanc, Plymouth State University This Success Story is a report on the results of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub’s 2020 Seed Fund program. Plymouth State University has a history of active faculty learning communities focused on various aspects of teaching. Our latest learning community, funded […]

Image of computer screen with code as seen through glasses lying on a table

Esteban Garcia

Why Aren’t More Women Participating in STEM?

Guest post: Esteban Garcia, Data Analyst, Orthus Health; MBA Candidate, Florida International University; Volunteer, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub On Wednesday, August 11th, Florence Hudson, Executive Director of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, co-hosted a roundtable on Women in STEM as part of the NSF Includes Virtual Convening. This […]

August 2021 Northeast Student Data Corps Data Science Career Panel

Guest post: Brian Buckley, Boston University; Volunteer Program Assistant, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub             On Friday, August 20, 2021, four established data scientists shared insights into the data science career world and provided anecdotes from their own experiences. Haleigh Stewart (Project Coordinator, Columbia University), Florence Hudson (Executive Director, Northeast […]

Poster for August 2021 Data Science Career Panel

Stock photo of a male scientist examining a petrie dish

COVID Information Commons: Lightning Talks (August 2021)

Guest post: Brian Buckley, Boston University; Volunteer, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, five researchers studying a wide range of topics on the global pandemic presented their work as part of the ongoing COVID-19 Research Webinar series organized through the COVID Information Commons (CIC). The COVID Information Commons is […]

Data Visualization Beyond the Screen

Guest post by Dr. Sara Stoudt, Lecturer in Statistical and Data Sciences Program, Smith College We’ve all been acutely aware of screens lately; we cannot seem to escape them. As statisticians and data scientists we’re stereotypically buried in our spreadsheets and charts anyway, but who do we exclude when communicating […]

3D printed visualization of a line graph

New EdgeDiscovery Virtual Magazine Issue

The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub was highlighted for “Building a Collaborative Community to Drive Data Science Innovation” in the EdgeDiscovery Fall 2020 issue published by Edge, the research and education network community headquartered in New Jersey supporting research connectivity, collaboration and partnerships. Florence Hudson, the Northeast Hub’s executive director, discussed the focus […]

Poster for Edge Discovery Magazine Fall 2020

Woman with baby in face mask outside

Announcement of Student Paper Challenge and shared insights amongst COVID-19 researchers at the December COVID Information Commons webinar

Over 80 people convened for this month’s COVID webinar, as six NSF Rapid Response Research investigators from across the United States shared their research topics and findings regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the new COVID Information Commons Student Paper Challenge was announced. This month’s presenters included Foad Hamidi (University of […]

Researchers share new insights and opportunities for collaboration at October’s COVID Information Commons Webinar

Eight scientists spoke with an enthusiastic community at the second COVID-19 Research Webinar organized by the COVID Information Commons on October 16, 2020. Presenters who shared their latest research findings regarding the current pandemic included Rachel Wu (University of California-Riverside), Sara Rampazzi (University of Michigan), Sarah Bowman (Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research […]

coronavirus artist rendering

Scatter plot

Researchers from NYU Tandon release 3-D data tracking human interactions outside of coronavirus hotspots

Study to set groundwork to build machine learning models that rapidly analyze how a virus spreads In April when New York City was under a strict lockdown, a team of 16 student researchers from New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering commenced a National Science Foundation Rapid Response Research (RAPID) […]

Tree Rings

CUAHSI has been selected to be the Coordinating Hub for the Critical Zone (CZ) Collaborative Network

Guest post by Jerad Bales, Executive Director, CUAHSI The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) located in Cambridge, MA, has been selected to be the Coordinating Hub for the National Science Foundation’s Critical Zone (CZ) Collaborative Network. The 5-year cooperative agreement became effective September 1, 2020. The […]

Water Data and Software Services to Support Discovery, Reproducibility, and Collaboration in the Water-Resources Domain and Beyond

Guest post by Emily Clark, Project Manager, CUAHSI The mission of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) is to enable interdisciplinary collaboration in the water sciences, provide critical cyberinfrastructure, and promote water science education at all levels. CUAHSI’s services can be especially useful in […]

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Announcing the Northeast Big Data Hub Seed Fund Program

The Northeast Big Data Hub is delighted to announce our Seed Fund program this month. Designed to promote collaboration in data science, the Seed Fund will encourage the cross-pollination of ideas, data and tools across disciplines and sectors including academia, industry, government, and communities. Funding provided through this program is intended […]

Industry 4.0 , Machine learning and artificial intelligence concept. Ai chipsets for robot arm , driveless cars , sports game chips in smart factory background

ASSISTments Longitudinal Data Competition challenges participants to determine correlation between early mathematics education and STEM careers

Guest post by Ryan Baker, Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. The ASSISTments Longitudinal Data Competition (external link no longer available) invited data scientists around the world to participate in a competition around the analysis of student data. Data from middle school student […]

Welcome to the new!

Following the announcement of our new strategic plan on June 1st, our leadership team and collaborators have been hard at work turning strategy into practice. As operations manager and head of communications at the Northeast Hub, I always want to ensure their ingenuity is fully reflected and celebrated on our […]

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Florence Hudson

Introducing our new Executive Director, Florence Hudson

The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub is excited to announce Florence Hudson as our new Executive Director. Florence has been engaged with the Northeast Hub since its founding – as a Steering Committee member, special advisor for Next Generation Internet, and a member of the Northeast and All Hubs Strategic Working Groups. As an aerospace and […]

NSF Awards $4 Million to the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub

The Hub Builds Data Science Partnerships to Address Societal Challenges The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub has been awarded a four year, $4 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to continue its work in building cross-sector data science partnerships that address societal challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate […]


NEBD Hub Logo

Largest-ever cohort of U.S. twins fuels new BD Spoke study

Studying the causes of disease is essential to medical research. However, the discussion is sometimes framed, misleadingly, as ‘nature vs. nurture’—is your condition the result of your genetics or your environment? Generally, the answer is both. But to what degree? A new study in Nature Genetics explores this question for […]