Education Data Literacy

Meeting of the Big Data in Education Spoke

Our Big Data in Education Spoke harnesses data-driven approaches to improve student outcomes and transform existing educational practices. Activities have recently kicked off with the first of three educational data competitions now open to worldwide participation. You can learn more and get involved at our upcoming Spoke meeting this summer! […]

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NEBD Hub Logo

Big Data in Education: News and Competition

How can big data help predict student outcomes? Ryan Baker (U Penn) and Neil Heffernan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) of our Big Data for Education Spoke hope to do just that via the Longitudinal Educational Big Data Competition (external link no longer available). Using carefully de-identified, real-world educational data, participants will predict whether […]

ELab NYC logo

From Our Community: Apply by 11/1/16 to ELabNYC

ELabNYC (Bio & Health Tech Entrepreneurship Lab NYC) is now accepting applications for its 2017 program where up to twenty new ventures will be invited to participate and join a growing, vibrant community of entrepreneurs. To apply, please submit your application by November 1, 2016. (Link to application.) About: ELabNYC is a […]

NEBD Hub logo

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub Awarded $3.3 million to Create Solutions to Pressing Challenges in Health, Education and Data Sharing

Click here for a PDF version of this release. Click here for the press release from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced $3.3 million in grants to researchers affiliated with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub. A common theme underlying the projects below is […]

White House Releases Big Data Strategic Plan

On May 23rd, the Obama Administration released the Federal Big Data Research and Development Strategic Plan, part of the Big Data Research and Development Initiative launched in 2012. As data science capabilities and opportunities continue to grow, the Plan provides a comprehensive overview and establishes guidance for developing and expanding […]

small data Cloud technology. Polygonal wireframe art looks like constellation