Penn State University Chapter
The Penn State University Chapter of the NSDC was founded in September 2022 and is open to all the current students of the university. Read on to learn more about upcoming activities, events, and opportunities brought to you by this Chapter!
Students of Penn State University are welcome to join this Chapter. To join an NSDC Chapter at another Institution (university or college), or to join a Regional Chapter (Midwest, Northeast, South, or West), visit the Chapter Central website.

Chapter Activities & Projects
Penn State has a student organization called Nittany Data Labs (NDL), and it is dedicated to helping students explore the world of data science outside of the classroom. NDL hosts one of the largest discord communities at Penn State, and this large community is proof that Penn State students are interested in data science.
Students at Penn State are aiming to make NDL an NSDC Chapter to provide Penn State students with more educational resources and opportunities. The club aims to provide its members with more career resources and organize hackathons for skill advancement. One of the top goals is to inform members of additional career paths and opportunities they might not have realized they are qualified for.
Watch this space to know more about upcoming events.

Chapter Leadership
Stay Connected with Us
Email us at nsdc@nebigdatahub.org with any inquiries or questions.
Some ways to stay connected with the NSDC community:
- Join our Slack channel
- Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn
- Subscribe to the Northeast Hub YouTube channel
- Sign up for our NSDC mailing list
- Check out the REAL Program for more collaboration opportunities.