The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub (NEBDHub), in collaboration with the Linux Foundation AI & Data, is delighted to invite you to join the leadership and development team of the OpenDS4All GitHub repository. The OpenDS4All GitHub repository was originally created by IBM in 2020 to accelerate the creation and open availability of data science curricula for use by academic institutions. IBM transferred the management of the OpenDS4All GitHub repository to the NEBDHub in June 2023. We are engaging the community to grow the content and further leverage of as a learning and professional development tool for data science students, leaders and enthusiasts around the world.
The OpenDS4All GitHub repository includes hundreds of resources from slide presentations on data science ethics and supervised machine learning, to Jupyter notebooks which provide hands-on learning opportunities. All the content is provided via a Creative Commons License from numerous sources including academia, industry and nonprofits. Many of the resources are transformed into video and audio recordings to increase the accessibility and educational experience, thanks to the work of students in the Peer Instructors and Mentoring teams from the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub and National Student Data Corps.
Please let us know if you would like to join this volunteer team. The three roles are:
- Technical Steering Committee Member
- Content Review Team
- Content Developers
Data science subject matter experts and graduate students are also invited to volunteer to join the leadership team, either the Technical Steering Committee which will support strategic development, outreach and growth, and/or the Content Review Team which will review and vet new submitted content before it is presented to the TSC for approval to be added to OpenDS4All.
We welcome data science community members from throughout the United States and around the world to join the OpenDS4All team, and to create and submit potential new content, including domain scientists, data scientists, technologists, researchers, educators, students, industry, not for profit workers, and municipal leaders.
Learn more about the available collaborative roles on the OpenDS4All HQ Team below. Complete the Call for Participation Google Form to express your interest in participating!
Roles, Responsibilities, and Time Commitments
- Responsibilities: Support the strategic growth and use of the repository; review and approve the addition of new content; perform outreach to the data science community to attract additional content and encourage repository use; develop strategic and pedagogical plans to best serve data science learners in higher education, K-12, and professional organizations.
- Preferred Skills: Experience in data science education and mentoring; application of data science tools and techniques in various domains; data science, general or domain specific pedagogy.
- Preferred Current/Previous Roles: Professionals, researchers and educators with expertise in data science or affiliated fields from academia, industry, non-profit, or government sectors.
- Time Commitment: One 1-hour TSC meeting a month; 1-2 hours a month of preparation prior to TSC meetings.
- Responsibilities: Reviewing new content submitted by content developers for correctness and completeness; offering suggestions to improve and strengthen content; editing content submissions along NEBDHub guidelines.
- Preferred Skills: Experience in data science education and mentoring; familiarity with data science tools and techniques in various domains; data science pedagogy.
- Preferred Current/Previous Roles: Students, faculty, professionals, and/or researchers with experience in data science and affiliated fields from academia, industry, non-profit, or government sectors.
- Time Commitment: 1+ hour a week, ongoing.
- Responsibilities: Creating original learning materials (e.g. PowerPoint lectures, video presentations, homework assignments, or Jupyter notebooks) that demonstrate data science tools and techniques; or formatting premade learning materials into various mediums (e.g., video presentations and walkthrough demonstrations, transcriptions, and translated content).
- Preferred Skills: Experience in data science education and mentoring; familiarity with data science concepts, tools, and techniques in various domains.
- Preferred Current/Previous Roles: Students, faculty, professionals, and/or researchers with experience in data science and affiliated fields from academia, industry, non-profit, or government sectors.
- Time Commitment: 1+ hour a week, ongoing.
Team Members
Content Development Team; Content Review Team
Steering Committee; Content Review Team
Technical Steering Committee
Technical Steering Committee
Technical Steering Committee; Content Development Team; Content Review Team
Technical Steering Committee; Content Review Team
Content Development Team
Content Review Team
Call for Participation
Please complete this form to engage with the NEBDHub and the OpenDS4All GitHub repository. The Hub will follow up with interested parties on next steps.