Government Model Engineering College
The NSDC Institutional Chapter at the Government Model Engineering College aims to provide students with invaluable career prospects by imparting essential data-related skills crucial for their advancement in the domains of data science and technology. By doing so, we endeavor to bridge the gap between the current academic curriculum and the evolving demands of the industry, ensuring that our students are well-equipped to thrive in data-centric careers.
The chapter was founded in November 2023. Read on to learn more about upcoming activities, events, and opportunities brought to you by this Chapter!
To join an NSDC Chapter at another Institution (university or college), or to join a Regional Chapter (Midwest, Northeast, South, or West), visit the Chapter Central website.

Chapter Activities & Projects
Win with AI
Embark on a creativity challenge – no coding, no product required. This competition assesses how adeptly you utilize AI tools! “Win with AI” serves as a pre-event for the IHRD Tech Fest “Tharang,” aiming to assess participants’ knowledge, skills, and creativity across various AI aspects. Elevate your skills and teamwork for a chance at these coveted prizes. Form a team of 3-5 participants and gear up for an unforgettable experience!
Click here to learn more about this exciting challenge!
Future chapter activities may include:
- A structured introduction to the data science career path, spearheaded by Dr. Bindu, a distinguished professional holding a senior position at IBM.
- A three-day workshop, designed to be inclusive, that will invite students and professionals to explore the intricacies of deep learning and NLP.
- Upcoming plans encompass a series focusing on careers in data science, along with deliberations regarding hackathons that are currently under consideration.
Check back soon for upcoming events and projects!

Chapter Leadership
Stay Connected with Us
Email us at nsdc@nebigdatahub.org with any inquiries or questions.
Some ways to stay connected with the NSDC community:
- Join our Slack channel
- Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn
- Subscribe to the Northeast Hub YouTube channel
- Sign up for our NSDC mailing list
- Check out the REAL Program for more collaboration opportunities.