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Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) COVID-19 Webinar Series

Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) is a GO (Global Open) FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Implementation network setup to help fight COVID-19, and set foundations for future virus-based health crises. Webinars will be recorded. Watch in real time for live Q&A. Click here for more information.


“An Introduction to the Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN)”1 April 2020, 8:30-9:30 AM PDT; Barend Mons, President of CODATA, Founder of GO FAIR
  • A summary of the Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) and its aims, as well as a description of activities underway; and, an introduction to the EURETOS AI platform. VODAN is a GO FAIR Implementation Network set up to help fight COVID-19, and set foundations for future virus-based health crises.


“VODAN-Africa / Training of Trainers (ToT)”8 April 2020, 9-10 AM PDT; Professor Mirjam van Reisen, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University
  • This workshop is set up to provide support to data stewards so that they can help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how GO FAIR Africa is approaching the capacity of expertise by training data stewards intended to assist the response on the continent.


“VODAN: FAIR Data Work in Action”15 April 2020, 9-10 AM PDT; Albert Mons, Phortos Consultants & Luiz Bonino, GO FAIR
  • One of the projects under the VODAN Implementation Network is developing a FAIR Data Point (FDP) with semantics based upon the World Health Organization eCRF forms. Up to 6 countries will deploy a Proof of Concept securing and keeping sensitive data at the data source yet remaining available for distributed learning.  Learn about the semantic model, the ontologies used and the deployment of an FDP for COVID-19 data and how this may be relevant for  your organization.


“Fighting COVID-19 by Mining Insights from Heterogeneous Datasets”22 April 2020, 9-10 AM PDT; Peter Rose and Ilya Zaslavsky, San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego; Iris Shen, Principal Data Scientist, Microsoft Academic Team, Microsoft; Natalie Meyers, E-Research Librarian, Navari Center for Digital Scholarship, Hesburgh Library and Eric Morgan, Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame
  • Data and domain experts will walk you through how they are using various data and information science techniques to mine insight from available and emerging datasets related to COVID-19. Peter Rose and Ilya Zaslavsky will demonstrate their open knowledge graph: COVID-19-Net, linking heterogeneous COVID-19 data sources. Iris Shen will discuss Microsoft Academic resources and their application to COVID-19 research. Natalie Meyers will give insights into her use of the US CORD-19 dataset and how simple surveys can yield quick insight into national response trends.


Apr 01 2020


8:30 am - 9:30 am
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