Poster for Data Science Coast to Coast

Data Science Coast to Coast Speaker Series: Ocean Dynamics

The DS C2C seminar series, hosted jointly by seven academic data science institutes, provides a unique opportunity to foster a broad-reaching data science community.

The Academic Data Science Alliance is hosting five seminars, each featuring one faculty member and one postdoctoral fellow from two universities.  Each speaker will give a 20-minute talk about ongoing projects and motivating issues, followed by 20 minutes of discussion with the audience. These seminars will be the launching point for follow-on research discussion meetings which will hopefully lead to fruitful collaborative research.

Sign up in advance here

Find the event Zoom link here

Ocean Dynamics with Dr Miguel Jimenez-Urias and Dr. Laure Zanna

The event will feature the following speakers:

Miguel Jimenez-Urias (Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University), Oceanic stirring and Mixing of Passive Scalars: A Novel Closure

Laure Zanna (Professor of Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science, New York University), Blending Machine Learning and Physics to Improve Climate Models

Find out more information on the details of the event here. It is strongly encouraged that you sign up ahead of time, and indicate your area of research and your interest in follow-up discussions.


Jun 16 2021


3:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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