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Connected Healthcare Integrated Systems Design

The Global Connected Healthcare ecosystem is becoming more extensive and complex, with the exponential growth of devices, users and data in connected healthcare. There is a growing need to develop clear approaches and ​standards ​for safe and secure interoperability ​of devices and data at an integrated systems design level. Participants in this workshop on Integrated Systems Design (ISD) for global connected healthcare cybersecurity will delve into the challenges and opportunities across devices and systems to enable precision medicine​, ​data sharing, ​and ​​​improve​d​ health outcomes, ​while ​ensuring​ patient and provider trust, privacy and security. ​

The workshop will leverage findings and outcomes of the previous workshops in the global connected healthcare cybersecurity 2021 virtual workshop series, bringing the insights together to recommend ​integrated systems design principles ​which may be applied when adding components to existing healthcare delivery systems or when designing new systems end-to-end​. This system-of-systems approach provides a scaffolding architecture​​ to enable TIPPSS – Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security​ – for connected healthcare.

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The learning outcomes of the workshop will be:

  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities in integrated systems design for global health IoT
  • The potential value of a system of systems approach for global health IoT cybersecurity ​
  • ​Potential integrated systems design principles to improve TIPPSS for connected healthcare


Learn more about the Global Connected Healthcare Cybersecurity Virtual 2021 Workshop Series:

This is the third in the Global Connected Healthcare Cybersecurity Virtual 2021 Workshop Series presented by the IEEE Standards Association, IEEE P2933™ Working Group, and the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub headquartered at Columbia University.

Workshop 1: 24 February 2021 – Global Connected Healthcare Cybersecurity Risks and Roadmap

Workshop 2: 28 April 2021 – Privacy, Ethics & Trust in Connected Healthcare

Workshop 3: 16 June 2021 – Data & Device Identity, Validation & Interoperability in Connected Healthcare

Workshop 4: 22 September 2021 – Connected Healthcare Integrated Systems Design

Workshop 5: 17 November 2021 – Connected Healthcare Technology and Policy Considerations



Sep 22 2021


11:00 am - 1:00 pm
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