Save the date!
The Cybersecurity Risk Workshop will be held July 24-25 at RiskEcon® Lab Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU, 60 5th Avenue, New York, NY.
This invitation-only event will bring together a small group of experts to set an agenda exploring the development of a context-oriented taxonomy to create a better framework for understanding cyberphysical security risk – specifically in the context of exploits and vulnerabilities in commercial and industrial IOT.
The initial focus will be on cloud computing and industrial process control surfaces across telecommunications, transportation, utilities, infrastructure, municipal facilities/fleets/services (e.g. hospitals, emergency response) — as well as mobile B2B2C (e.g. smart devices and connected vehicles) — particularly around machine-to-machine (M2M) and machine-to-human/human-to-machine (M2H/H2M) connectivity.
This will be a working session for which participants will be asked to discuss their relevant work and contribute to the creation of a draft action plan on how to develop an attack-surface taxonomy. Participants will also be invited to join the Steering Committee for the ongoing effort.
Event Program (click for PDF)
Program Committee
René Bastón, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub
David Mordecai, RiskEcon® Lab Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU
Celeste Fralick, McAfee
Jason Healey, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
Garud Iyengar, Columbia University Department of Industrial Engeineering and Operations Research
Vishal Misra, Columbia University Department of Computer Science
Rebecca Wright, Barnard College
Assaf Zeevi, Columbia Business School
RiskEcon® Lab Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU
60 5th Avenue, New York, NY.
Participants are encouraged to book their hotel and travel directly. Funding is available to support travel costs; contact nebdih.info@columbia.edu for more information.
NYU has a list of preferred hotels in the area.