
The rapidly-evolving automation of virtually every aspect of modern financial markets has resulted in a complex, interdependent financial system: rich in data that correlate in ways both known and unknown, and subject to poorly understood crises and collapses. Complex order types and trading algorithms interact in unprecedented ways, further contributing to an often opaque  system. The Finance spoke employs the most modern scientific tools — including machine learning, network science, data analysis and visualization — to improve our understanding, modeling, and management of modern markets.


Michael Kearns Website University of Pennsylvania PA


Martin Haugh Website Columbia University NY
Yehuda Izhakian Website CUNY, Baruch College NY
David Jensen Website University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA
Andrew Lo Website Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA
Oumar Nabe Website Reveal Analytics NY
Jeffrey Saltz Website Syracuse University NY
David Yao Website Columbia University NY